4 Lunches Using Hard Boiled Eggs
I could eat eggs at every meal, and as the chickens are laying a lot at the moment I have extra eggs. So I decided to make some stuffed eggs and sandwiches using up these eggs, and hard boiling them.
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Serves: 4
Hard-boiled eggs
Cheese, grated
Tin sardines
Lemon juice
Celery Stuffed eggs
Cut the hard-boiled egg in half and remove the yolks.
Chop a stick of celery very finely. Mix it with the hard-boiled egg yolk.
Moisten with a bit of mayonnaise, and fill the two half egg whites.
Cheese stuffed eggs
For 3 eggs, use a tbsp butter, capers and grated cheese to taste.
Mix with the egg yolks, add salt and pepper, and fill the half egg whites, or cut up whites and spread on a sandwich.
Sardine sandwich filling
Mash the tin of sardines and season with salt and lemon juice.
Mix with the egg, chopped up and moisten with some mayonnaise.
Prawn stuffed eggs
Mix about 5 cooked prawns with some French dressing and leave for about 15 minutes.
Mash the yolks, moistened with mayonnaise, and fill the egg whites.
Add a prawn or two to the top.
I put some of this on half a roll instead of in the egg.
229486 - 2023-07-17 10:54:39