Agua de Chia
Chia seeds are a fantastic way of hydrating the body, but why not make your water even more exciting by turning it into a cocktail? This is a classic South American recipe, that I've tweaked ever so slightly.
Preparation Time: 1 minute
Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Makes: 5 servings
1 lime
Half bunch of mint leaves
Half a lemon
1 tblsp chia seeds
1 tblsp of sugar
Ice cubes
Half the lime and squeeze out the juice from both halves.
Add to 500ml jug of water and 10 ice cubes.
Slice the lemon and add to the jug of water.
Stir in the sugar and mint.
Serve in glass jars because it looks damn cool
My Agua de chia is refreshingly different, and always goes down a treat at parties.
223148 - 2023-07-17 06:44:22
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