Blackberry Cheesecake
I adapted this recipe from what was originally a blueberry cheesecake, and then adjusted it to my own tastes. Light, but indulgent, each slice is about 290 calories based on the brands I used.
This recipe requires a cake tin. I recommend not using one with a loose base, like I did. The mixture is quite liquid and began to leak from the bottom, so I needed to rescue it with tin foil.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 50 minutes
Makes: 8 servings
20g clear honey
50g light margarine
600g cream cheese
30g Truvia sweetener (or 100g caster sugar)
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 eggs
blackberry jam
4 tbsp half fat creme fraiche
100g white chocolate
Melt the margarine and honey together in the microwave.
Blend with the muesli and line the mixture on the bottom of a cake tin; then leave it to chill in the fridge.
Pre-heat the oven to 160 & #3872 ;C/ 140 & #3872 ;C fan/325 & #3872 ;F/3 Gas.
Beat the cream cheese with the creme fraiche and vanilla extract, then beat in the sweetener/sugar.
Beat in the eggs.
Stir in the blackberry jam, then pour the mixture into the cake tin.
Bake in the oven.
Break the chocolate up into small pieces, the put in the microwave for one minute.
Stir the chocolate, then put in the microwave for another minute. Stir until smooth.
Spread a think layer of melted chocolate on top of the cheesecake, and then allow to cool.
Take the cheesecake out of the tin.
224029 - 2023-07-17 07:57:09