Cherry Almond Cupcakes
I was listening to a radio programme today that was talking about how a lot of what we taste is down to smell rather than actual taste. This is very true; one of the reasons that we can't taste food very well when we have a cold is because our nose is all bunged up. Anyway, my point to this this little tidbit of information is to say how strongly scented these cupcakes are of almonds. They entice you as soon as you open the cake tin lid, and you are hit with the taste of almonds immediately. The cherries don't give off quite as sweet an aroma, so they appear later, and cut through some of the sharp flavours. A great treat, especially in nice sunny weather.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
Makes: 12 servings
100g ground almonds
100g self-raising wholemeal flour
50g Xylitol sweetener (or caster sugar if you prefer)
100g glace cherries
2 large eggs
100g icing sugar
1 tbsp almond essence
1 tbsp water
Pre-heat the oven to 180 & #3872 ;C/ 160 & #3872 ;C fan/350 & #3872 ;F/4 Gas.
Mix the ground almonds and flour together.
Beat the eggs with the sugar and beat into the flour/almonds
Chop the cherries and mix into the mixture.
Spoon the mixture into cupcake cases and bake.
Mix the icing sugar with the water and almond essence to form a paste, then spread it over the cupcakes.
223194 - 2023-07-17 06:46:22
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