Chocolate Crackle And IceCream Loaf

Chocolate Crackle And IceCream Loaf

Posted 2015-03-01 by Therese Bfollow
This recipe is a combination of two of my favourites, chocolate and ice cream. It's very easy but looks quite impressive when served. Best still, if serving for guests it can be made the day before and left in the freezer, saving you valuable preparation time on the day.

Preparation Time: 30 minutes plus freezing time
Cooking Time: Freeze overnight
Makes: 8-10 servings

80g unsalted butter-roughly chopped
100 g of rice bubbles
75g of good quality dark chocolate
1 litre of ice cream in a flavour of your choice. Caramel or coffee flavoured are good choices.

  • Lightly grease a loaf tin (approx. 20cm x 11cm x 7 cm). Line the loaf tin and a baking tray with baking paper. Pop the loaf tin into the freezer to chill down.

  • Combine the butter and chocolate in a heatproof dish and place over a saucepan of simmering water. Let them melt, stirring occasionally until the mixture is smooth.

  • Remove mixture from top of saucepan and mix with rice bubbles.

  • Spread mixture out flat on to prepared tray or two. It will be a little clumpy but will probably have to be broken up a little later anyway, so no need to worry too much about how it looks. Place in freezer for 2 hours until it is firm.

  • Once the crackle mixture is set, it's time to assemble the loaf. Break off pieces of the mixture and put a single layer on the bottom of the loaf pan.

  • Now it's time to add a layer of ice cream. Use the back of a spoon to smooth it out as much as possible.

  • Add another layer of chocolate crackle, then another layer of ice cream, followed by a final layer of chocolate crackle on top. This final layer will be the bottom of your loaf once it is turned out to be served. If you have time, you may prefer to pop the loaf back into the freezer between layers as I found the chocolate crackle started to melt quite quickly once it was out of the freezer.

  • Cover the top of the loaf with cling-wrap and press down firmly to compact the loaf. Place back in the freezer and freeze for at least 8 hours or overnight.

  • When ready to serve, turn out on to plate, remove the baking paper and slice with a sharp, serrated knife.

  • Notes:
  • I substituted the Rice Bubbles for Coco-Pops - either will do.
  • The finished loaf is quite rich, so you may find smaller slices will be sufficient.

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