Chocolate Jaffa Torte

Chocolate Jaffa Torte

Posted 2015-01-04 by Lindsay Lawfollow
A delicious and indulgent chocolate dessert. This is an even more edible variation of my Salted Caramel Chocolate Torte . The orange curd adds a delicious tartness that cuts right through the chocolate. Use the best chocolate you can afford for this recipe.

Preparation Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 hours or overnight (chilling time)
Makes: 10-12 servings

175g digestive biscuits
85g butter, melted
400g orange curd
200g plain chocolate (70% cocoa solids), broken into small chunks
100g milk chocolate
600ml double cream
25g icing sugar
1 tsp orange extract

  • Line the base and sides of a 23cm springform tin with baking paper. Cut a circle for the base, and a long strip for the sides. Secure the sides with a paperclip or a peg.

  • Crush the biscuits to a fine crumb using a food processor. This gives a much smoother finish to the base than crushing by hand. If you don't have a food processor, make sure you crush the biscuits really thoroughly.

  • Meanwhile, melt the butter in a small saucepan, then stir it into the biscuits, or pour it into the food processor and mix.
  • Press the buttery biscuit into the bottom of the cake tin. Put in the fridge to set for about ten minutes.

  • Reserve a couple of spoonfuls of orange curd for the decoration. Reserve a couple of tablespoons of cream and mix in with the remaining orange curd to form a creamy orange sauce - leave this in the fridge.

  • Once set, spread the orange curd over the biscuit base, leaving a 1-2cm gap at the edge. Put back in the fridge while you prepare the chocolate topping.

  • Place the two types of chocolate in a heat-proof bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, and melt gently. When it has melted, turn off the heat, but leave the bowl over the pan.
  • Slowly stir in the remaining cream to form a glossy, chocolate ganache.

  • Sift in the icing sugar, and stir in the orange extract. *Remove from the pan, and allow to cool for ten minutes.
  • Ladle the chocolate onto the base, starting with the edges to seal the orange in the centre. Then slowly pour in the rest, and shake to smooth the surface.

  • Chill for at least 5 hours, or overnight until firm.
  • To decorate, put the orangey cream into an icing bag and pipe over the surface in whatever pattern you like.

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