Chocolate Sauce Chicken With Prunes And Apricots Served Over Unpeeled Potato
Chocolate Sauce chicken
Chocolate and chicken! I have had a few comments from people I have mentioned it to.
Many of us love chocolate, and also chicken, so why not combine the two.
The small amount of chocolate I have used, sweetens the sauce slightly with only a very faint hint of a chocolate taste.
If you served this, I do not think guests could guess what the secret ingredient was -the chocolate is very unobtrusive.
And needless to say, it tasted excellent on top of boiled jacket potatoes.
I used less breasts in the mixture of chicken as I find these get a bit dry when baked and I think next time I would not use breasts.
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 55 minutes
Makes: 3 servings
Seasoned flour
4 dried apricots
4 [link pitted prunes]
800 g total -chicken thighs, legs, breasts -skin removed
1½ tbsp [link flour]
¾ - 1 cup chicken stock
10 g chocolate
Soak the apricots and prunes in cold water for at least half an hour.
Apricots and prunes soaking
Set oven at 180°. Drain apricots and prunes.
Dry the chicken with paper towel and put seasoned flour in a plastic bag -shake so that all pieces are coated.
Do not use too much flour
Heat a bit of oil and an equal amount of butter in a frypan and brown chicken pieces in batches.
A batch of cooked chicken pieces
Continue till all cooked, and set aside, or put directly into an ovenproof dish -I can use my saucepans in the oven also, so I put them on a plate.
All chicken cooked
Add the flour to the pan and drippings, and cook stirring for a minute or so. Add the stock gradually stirring with each addition to get rid of the lumps.
Now add your piece of chocolate.
Adding chocolate
Stir till chocolate is melted and mix well.
Pour this over the chicken pieces.
Chocolate sauce poured over chicken pieces
Put the drained apricots and prunes over.
Ready to bake
Bake, covered for about 40 - 45 minutes.
Cooked chicken with chocolate
Meanwhile cook the potatos in the jackets (I boiled them), and cut up before putting the chicken on top.
225867 - 2023-07-17 09:41:26