Creamy Sweet Potato Tuna Mash
A different take on classic tuna & sweetcorn. It can be used as a filling for a sandwich or served with vegetables.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 2 meals or 4 - 6 sandwich fillings
3 small sweet potatoes
1x 120g tinned tuna, drained
1 x 325g tinned sweetcorn, (260g drained)
180g cream cheese
Chop the sweet potatoes and roast in an oven pre-heated to 180 & #3872 ;C/ 160 & #3872 ;C fan/ 375 & #3872 ;F/ 5 Gas for 25 minutes.
Puree the sweet potato in a food processor with cream cheese and tuna.
Stir in the sweetcorn.
228316 - 2023-07-17 10:39:09
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