Crusty Chicken Casserole
The is a family classic, and one of those traditional recipes you pass down the generations. Each person has their own version of the dish and this was one was definitely inspired by my mum.
This dish is for those who enjoy a hearty, filling dish by combining meat and vegetables, making it a perfect dish for the whole family.
To make this dish, it requires two parts. The filling and a classic cheese batter to put on top, which can be used for any other dish to add a tasty topping. This dish is best served with steamed vegetables and is suitable to freeze, or prepared a day before hand and reheated. It is not suitable to microwave.
Preparation Time: 15-30 minutes
Cooking Time: 40-45 minutes
Makes: 4-6 servings
For the Filling:
1 whole barbecued or steamed chicken
1 onion
2 green shallots
1 stick of celery
1/4 cup of water
30g of butter
3-5 rashers of bacon
60g of mushrooms
435g can of chicken soup
250g sour light cream
For the Cheese batter:
1 cup of self raising flour
2 eggs
1 cup (125g) grated Tasty Cheese
1/2 cup of milk
Firstly remove the chicken from it's bones and roughly chop the meat. This is a fun part for the kids if you want to include them. Don't forget to dry the wish bone to crack for later.
Next chop the vegetables for the filling. That includes the onion, shallots, celery, bacon and mushrooms.
Top Removal of chicken, Bottom Filling ingredients chopped.
Filling Preparation:
Now it is time to get the filling ingredients cooked. Start by combining the shallots, celery and water in a covered pan, and allow to simmer. While you're waiting this is a great time to get your cheese batter prepared.
While the others are simmering melt the butter in a separate pan and add the bacon and mushrooms. *Cook and stir for 3 minutes.
Cheese Batter Preparation:
Sift the flour into a bowl and add the eggs, cheese, and milk.
Stir until ingredients are combined.
Top Filling preparations, Bottom Cheese batter preparations.
Once you have the filling and batter prepared, it is time to combine all the ingredients.
Add the chicken, soup and sour cream into a dish and stir together.
Place the vegetables over the top (you can mix all together)
Now spread your cheese batter over the top.
TL Chicken, soup and cream, TR Mixed, BL Filling Mix, BR cheese batter spread.
Now place in the oven for 40-45 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees (180 Fan Forced)
Once cooked, allow to stand for 5 minutes, serve and enjoy.
223838 - 2023-07-17 07:32:02