Easy NoCook Caramel Sauce
This Easy No-Cook Caramel Sauce Recipe is so simple, it barely needs instructions. With just two ingredients and a ratio of 1:1, you can't go wrong.
You can enjoy this healthy Caramel Sauce on pancakes, with brownies, ice-cream and/or sticky date pudding. You could even use it as a fruit-dipping sauce for young children too.
1/2 cup 100% pure maple syrup
1/2 cup hulled tahini
Preparation Time: 1 minute
Makes: 1 cup
1/2 cup tahini
1/2 cup maple syrup
Add the maple syrup and tahini to a bowl and mix with a spoon until smooth and caramel in colour.
225918 - 2023-07-17 09:43:29
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