Egg Custard Croissants with Plums and Chocolate
This dessert is delicious as it has the sweet, buttery taste of the croissants and dark chocolate, combined with the tartiness of tinned plums.
It is also quite rich and although I had a large meal, I could not help myself in having a large portion of this dessert.
It would be a hit with visitors and partners alike!
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 65 minutes
Makes: 6 servings
5 croissants, sliced thinly length ways
300 ml cream
1 cup milk
½ cup coconut sugar (or castor sugar)
1 tsp [link vanilla paste] (or extract)
4 eggs
800 g [link plums] drained, halved and seeds taken out
90 g [link dark chocolate]
In a medium saucepan heat the cream, milk, sugar and vanilla until ALMOST boiling, stirring occasionally.
In a large heatproof bowl, beat the eggs.
Slowly pour in the hot cream mixture, stirring constantly.
Put half of the croissants in a shallow 8 cup casserole or pyrex dish.
Add half of the drained plums.
Repeat this till ingredients are all used.
Tuck the bits of chocolate in and around the ingredients.
Pour the custard over this, and leave to stand and soak in for about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 140° C, fan forced or 160°.
Boil some water and put the custard dish into a large baking pan.
Place in the oven and pour the boiling water into the baking pan so that it comes half way up the pyrex dish.
Bake for an hour or until the pudding is set.
Leave for 5 minutes before serving.
Add a bit of cream if desired and enjoy!
227377 - 2023-07-17 10:25:37