Family Favourite Tuna Salad
Here is a very simple salad that provides a great combination of flavour, protein, vegetables and carbs. To me this is such an obvious recipe that I wasn't sure to post it on this site, but then I found that many people never even think of doing this, so here it is.
This is a great recipe with kids because they can choose the ingredients that they want to combine as well as choose their favourite flavour of canned tuna.
This is a pretty flexible recipe. The key ingredients are pasta and tuna. The amount you use of any ingredient can vary.
Preparation Time: 2 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 1-2
1 small can of flavoured tuna (I used Mexican salsa flavour for the photos)
A handful of a shorter pasta, I prefer spiral pasta
1 tomato, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped
A few leaves of lettuce, shredded
1/2 carrot grated
1/2 stalk of shallots, finely chopped
Optional Ingredients
Cheese, such as cheddar or feta, cubed
Corn kernels, cooked then cooled
Beans such as chickpeas, or cannelloni beans
Other green leafy vegetables, such as spinach or rocket
Cook the pasta until al dente, drain and run under cold water to cool off the pasta.
Place the pasta in a large bowl with plenty of room for other ingredients.
If you are cooking this with your kids, put some pasta in bowls for your kids and then put out the other ingredients.
Add the ingredients you love to your bowl and then get your kids to add the ones they want as well.
Finally there is the tuna. It is great to have several cans of different flavours at home. Once again, with your kids, it is their chance to choose what they prefer.
You can also make this for lunches. You prepare all the other ingredients and then just add the tuna when it is time to eat. This keeps the vegetables fresher.
227996 - 2023-07-17 10:34:53