Healthy Four Colour Strips Stir Fry
Each type of strips has its health benefits and nutrients. This is a quick, healthy, tangy and delicious side dish recipe that is to balance a diet with meat in a meal. Swap fish cake with either mushroom, capsicum, cabbage or simply vegan fish cake to make a vegetarian dish.
Fermented bean curd is a condiment which is made from soybeans, rice wine, salt, sesame oil and vinegar. It is rich in exotic salty and tangy flavour, very tasty. It is another good alternative of flavouring food in Asian style, apart from some traditional flavoured sauce such as oyster sauce, shrimp paste or fish sauce.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 5-6 minutes
Makes: 2-4 servings
150g carrot, peeled
150g snow peas, trimmed
150g square fish cake
100g cup fresh/dried black fungus, rehydrate if dried
2 garlic cloves, peeled, crushed
1-2 cubes fermented bean curd
1 tsp Chinese cooking wine, optional
1-2 tbsp extra light olive oil
1 red chilli, optional
some water
sea salt to season
raw sugar to season
Chop all veggies and fish cake into strips. Rinse and drain.
Heat oil in a frypan over medium-low heat. Add crushed garlic, fermented bean curd and red chilli. Saute and stir to combine until fragrant.
Add black fungus strips and carrots strips first, as they need more time to be softened. Toss to combine.
Pour over 1 tsp cooking wine (optional). Continue to toss for about 2-3 minutes.
Add fish cake strips. Toss to combine for about a minute.
Finally add snow pea strips.
Pour over 1 tsp cooking wine (optional).
Continue to toss until all veggies are softened and a little tender, about a few minutes.
However, black fungus still has a slightly crunchy texture.
Add a bit water occasionally if getting too dry.
Add sugar and/or salt to season.
Transfer to a big plate for sharing or among serving plates.
Serve immediately.
225344 - 2023-07-17 08:51:00