Home Made Cheese Tacos Filled with San Choy Bow
Cheese tacos! Great idea instead of buying them, all you do is melt the cheese and shape a taco.
Then fill it with whatever you wish, and they are so tasty.
I have filled my cheese tacos with san choy bow mixed with chopped udon noodles.
Preparation Time: 35 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Serves: 2 tacos
2/3 cup cheese, grated
1 - 2 spring onions, chopped
250 g best chicken mince
125 g water chestnuts, drained and chopped
125 g udon noodles, separated and chopped
2 tbsp chicken stock
1 tbsp oyster sauce
Lettuce, sliced
Tomato, chopped
½ red capsicum, sliced
Put a third of a cup of the cheese on to baking paper, spreading it very thinly. Make it about the length you would like it to be.
Microwave it on high for about 2 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and melted.
Roll it round a glass or a cup - I think the glass one was a better shape.
Let it cool and harden while around the glass.
When it is cool, peel the paper off, and carefully take off the cheese.
Mine did not go as crispy as I thought it would, possibly because I used grated cheese, frozen, and did not use ordinary cheese and grate it myself (I believe there is a chemical put in the cheese to stop it sticking together). Or possibly as the temperature was over 40° and I did not wait long enough.
Make the san choy bow by heating a bit of oil in a wok and adding the sliced spring onions.
When they are soft, add the chicken mince, and cook till it is browned, getting rid of the chunks while it is cooking, with a fork or similar.
Add the water chestnuts, and noodles and cook until the noodles are soft or hot.
Add in the stock and oyster sauce and cook a few more minutes.
Put some salad of your choice in the cheese tacos.
Add the chicken mixture inside the tacos, if they are not crisp like mine, it does not matter,just fill them. They are absolutely delicious either way.
I had no problems eating both of them in one hit.
228132 - 2023-07-17 10:37:02