Kale and Turkey Polpette

Kale and Turkey Polpette

Posted 2015-01-14 by Annalisa Brownfollow
Superstar kale combines seamlessly with lean turkey mince to make a healthy, low fat and delicious tasting alternative to beef meatballs.

I made these for the first time during the Christmas Holidays while entertaining my niece and nephew. Their parents looked on in amazement as their kids devoured the Polpette as quickly as I could plate up. They couldn’t believe their kids were eating kale!

I’ve maintained the theme of healthy and clean eating by flavouring the polpette with a combination of fresh and dried herbs and citrus. I also used almond meal to provide crunch and texture to the polpette, however breadcrumbs will work just as well.

are healthy, low fat and delicious and a great alternative to beef meatballs.

Preparation Time: 15-mins
Cooking Time: 15-mins
Makes: 12-16 Polpette (depending on sizes)

500g Turkey Mince
100g Almond Meal
1 Egg
1 Bunch Kale
1 Teaspoon Fennel Seeds
1 Teaspoon Oregano
Zest from 1 Lemon
Handful Basil Leaves
Coconut Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil for frying

  • Tear the kale into small chunks and steam until cooked and the volume has reduced by half.

  • In a large bowl, combine the turkey, almond meal (or breadcrumbs), egg, basil, steamed kale, lemon zest, fennel seeds and oregano.

  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly, using your hands.

  • These Polpette are easy to make. Just combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

  • Take a golf ball size amount of the mixture and shape into polpette or balls. Depending on the size of the polpette, you will end up with approximately 12-16 balls.

  • Polpette should be shaped into golf ball size balls however, you can elect to make the Polpette smaller or larger depending on taste.

  • Heat a small amount of coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan. Shallow fry the polpette occasionally turning them over to cook evenly. They will turn a luscious golden brown.

  • Shallow fry the in a little coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil until golden brown all over.

  • The polpette can be served immediately while hot but can also be enjoyed cold; and can be eaten plain, with a dipping sauce or served as part of a main meal with pasta or rice or cous cous. I served this with Saffron Risoni.

  • can be enjoyed hot or cold. They make a great picnic or party food

    served with Saffron Risoni.

    #hors_d 'oeuvres

    226304 - 2023-07-17 09:56:26


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