Mr McGregors Chocolate Carrot Cake

Mr McGregors Chocolate Carrot Cake

Posted 2015-10-07 by Bastion Harrisonfollow

This is a cake I made for a competition . It would make a great birthday cake for a child or as just a bit of fun to try and make something special. It is a rich cake best had as a desert with a helping of cream.

Preparation Time: 2 hours
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Makes: 12 servings

70g plain white flour
70g plain wholemeal flour
30g self-raising white flour
30g self-raising wholemeal flour
100g ground almonds
150g margarine
2 tbsp Truvia sweetener (or 150g caster sugar)
240g carrots
3 eggs
400g dark chocolate
300g creme fraiche
Blue/green/black royal icing
12 royal icing carrot decorations

34 lollipop sticks
1 cocktail stick
2 x 18.5cm x 18.5cm square baking trays

  • Break 32 of the lollipop sticks in half and put them to one side.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 & #3872 ;C/ 160 & #3872 ;C fan/375 & #3872 ;F/5.

  • Grate the carrots and mix with the flours and ground almonds.

  • Rub in the margarine.

  • Beat the eggs with sweetener/sugar, and then beat into the mixture.

  • Melt 100g chocolate and fold into the cake mixture.

  • Divide the cake mixture equally between the two trays.

  • Melt 200g chocolate over a pan of boiling water, and stir in 200g creme fraiche.

  • Spread the ganache over the top of cakes, and then place the cakes on top of one another.
  • Stick the sugar paste carrots in two rows on the front of the cake
  • Roll green royal icing into eight small balls, and then use the cocktail stick to drag two lines through the middle (like a cross). Line these 'cabbages' in two rows on the back of the cake.
  • Roll out a small amount of blue icing in an oval shape, and then poke both ends of one of the remaining lollipop sticks through to create arm holes.
  • Using a pea-sized amount of any remaining ganache stick it to the last lollipop stick three-quarters of the way up.
  • Slide the lollipop stick vertically down the back of the 'jacket' and press it against the other lollipop stick to stick it together like a cross.

  • Stick this 'scarecrow' in the centre of the cake.
  • Roll a small amount of black royal icing into two baked bean shapes, and then use the cocktail stick to drag an opening into each one.
  • Place the 'shoes' underneath Peter's jacket.

  • Melt 100g chocolate and stir in 100g creme fraiche.
  • Spread the ganache all around the sides of the cake and then stick the broken lollipop sticks to it to form a fence.
  • Put the cake in the fridge to set.

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    227166 - 2023-07-17 10:20:26


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