Parmesan Omlette Stack
Need inspiration for that special breakfast. is a variation of regular eggs for breakfast or any time of the day.
The egg mixture is laced with freshly cracked pepper with parmesan cheese added when nearly cooked. Stacked upon a base of ham and baby spinach leaves. A tasty, flavoursome start to the day.
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Makes: 1 servings
Two eggs
1 slice of ham
baby spinach leaves
small tomatoes
cracked pepper
parmesan cheese
On small plate place slice of ham with baby spinach leaves on top
whisk two eggs in a bowl and add generous amounts of cracked pepper
Add small tomatoes cut in half into the mix and stir
Pour mixture into a lightly oiled frying pan and cook on even heat until nearly cooked
Sprinkle a generous amount of parmesan cheese over the top of the egg and tomato mixture.
Do not flip the mixture
Gently cut the omlette into four pieces and stack on top of the ham and spinach on the plate.
serve right away with your favourite chutney on the side if like
225514 - 2023-07-17 09:25:15
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