Peach Trifle
My mum loves this classic dessert trifle, so I made this one for her. It is a fun dish to prepare for any special occasions and children will enjoy helping out. Be sure to prepare this in a deep glass bowl so that everyone can admire the colored layers of sweetness at the end. This works very well without the jelly or the sherry (fortified wine) and you can use different fruit as well if you wish. I used Swiss Jam Roll, but any sponge cake works for this recipe.
with berry decorations
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: (Allow a few hours for the jelly to set)
Makes: 6 - 8 servings
Ingredients for
1 tin peaches
1 packet jelly (optional)
2 tablespoons sherry or fortified wine (optional)
1 cup thick custard
1 Swiss jam roll (or any sponge cake)
Berries to decorate
Place the peaches in the base of a deep glass bowl, so you can watch the layers as they set.
Peaches go in first
This step is optional - Pour in the sherry (fortified wine) and allow an hour for the flavors to penetrate the peaches.
This step is also optional, but a must for any jelly lovers out there - Pour prepared jelly on top of the peaches.
Jelly on top of the peaches
Slice the Swiss jam roll and gently place these slices into the jelly.
Place the Swiss roll into the jelly
Allow the layers to set in the fridge for a few hours.
Admire the layers
Pour on some thick custard.
Decorate the custard with strawberries and blueberries.
Then serve cooled with ice cream or cream. Enjoy eating your work of edible art.
223328 - 2023-07-17 06:51:37