Peanut Butter and Jelly Flapjacks
I wasn't making PBJ anything, I was in fact making a flapjack. But then I got excited and decided to add peanut butter, and strawberry jam! So here my lovelies is the stumbled up PBJ My Way.
Preparation Time: 2 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Makes: 10 servings
2 eggs
50g plain flour
200g butter
100 sugar
25ml of vegetable oil
150g a cup/mug of oats
5 tblsp honey
3 tblsp strawberry jam
3 tblsp peanut butter
Mix all using a fork because it makes for a better flapjack texture. Add the butter and sugar to a bowl, then the oil, eggs, flour, and oats. It might look quite thick but do not worry. Add the honey and transfer to a baking-paper lined tray.
Spread out using a spoon (even though I used a fork) and put in the oven at 160 degrees (gas mark 3), for 30 minutes.
After 15 minutes remove the flapjack from the oven and lightly score about 7 lines down the middle, equally spaced apart. In the 'lines' in alternate order add the jam and peanut butter.
Splash a little milk to keep the flapjack moist and scatter a few more oats more prettiness.
15 minutes late the peanut butter and jelly flapjack will be done. When you remove it from the oven the jam may be bubbling slightly - just how you want it.
222979 - 2023-07-17 06:37:17
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