Perfect Scrambled Eggs
The notion of perfect scrambled eggs is purely subjective. The simplest of egg dishes, scrambled eggs can make even the established home cook coil in horror.
For such a straight forward dish the taste and texture can vary considerably, from being burnt, too watery, too leathery, too rich, or simply lacking in flavour. Scrambled Eggs can be a hit and miss affair.
On a cold winter morning, many, many years ago on a film set, a caterer gave me the insight into making the perfect scrambled egg. I have taken this wonderful knowledge and have been able to recreate time and time again.
Technique is certainly one of the key elements in crafting a perfectly constructed dish of scrambled eggs.
Folding the eggs over a low heat instead of the all too common mistake of scrambling over a high heat will get you half way to egg perfection. The other little secret is
Adding a couple of teaspoons of cream will produce the most fluffy, soft and ever so slightly moist scrambled eggs you have ever tasted – comparable to what you would find in a quality restaurant.
Technique and a secret ingredient cream will produce the most perfect, fluffy, soft and slightly moist scrambled eggs.
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Makes: 1 serving
2 Eggs
2 Teaspoons Cream
1 Teaspoon Butter
Salt and Pepper to taste
Dill to garnish
Roasted Tomatoes to garnish
Toasted Bread
Eggs, Cream, Butter are the key ingredients to creating perfectly scrambled eggs.
Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk until eggs are aerated and pale yellow in colour.
Add the cream and whisk for a further 2-3 minutes.
Whisk the eggs until theyre pale yellow in colour and aerated then add the cream.
Melt a large knob of butter into a non-stick frying pan over a low heat.
Pour whisked eggs into the pan and allow to settle for 10 seconds.
Allow the eggs to settle for 10seconds before starting to fold the eggs.
Start to fold eggs with a wooden spoon (do not stir, FOLD only) until the eggs start to set. On a low heat, this should take approximately 5 minutes.
Fold the eggs with a wooden spoon over a low heat.
Remove the pan from the heat, just before the eggs are completely set.
Allow the eggs to set for 15-20 seconds.
Remove eggs from heat before theyre completely set and allow to set.
Season with salt and pepper.
Place bread into a toaster.
Cut a tomato into quarters and season with salt, pepper and oregano.
Spray a little cooking oil into a frying pan and over a low heat roast the seasoned tomatoes.
Roast the seasoned tomatoes while the eggs are setting.
Remove roasted tomatoes.
Cut toasted bread into halves.
Plate the scrambled eggs and garnish with fresh dill, toasted bread and tomatoes. Serve while hot.
Serve the scrambled eggs while hot and garnish with some fresh dill, roasted seasoned tomatoes and toasted bread.
224858 - 2023-07-17 08:30:44