Perfectly Poached Eggs
A perfectly poached egg makes for a perfect all-day breakfast, whether atop toast, ham, smoked salmon, mushroom, asparagus or even soup or pasta. Here's how to cook them eggs-actly the way you'd like them to turn out every time - perfectly poached.
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Makes: 1 serving
fresh egg(s)
1 tablespoon white vinegar
Note: Only poach 1 egg at a time.
Fill 2/3 of your pan with water, add the white vinegar and bring to a boil. (The vinegar helps to coagulate the egg white.)
Crack the egg into a small bowl or dish.
Create a whirlpool in the boiling water. (This helps to keep the egg together in one piece.)
In one swift motion, pour the egg into the centre of the whirlpool. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes (depending if you prefer runny or firmer yolks), until the egg white is opaque. Gently swirl the water to keep the egg in shape.
Use a slotted spoon to remove the poached egg from the water. Rinse with water to remove traces of vinegar and drain on a paper towel or dry cloth. Transfer to a plate or serve immediately on toast.
If poaching more than 1 egg, use slotted spoon to remove the foam from the water. Repeat the steps.
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