Polenta Bacon Breakfast
Polenta is usually served as a hot porridge-like mixture, but left to cool, it solidifies into a block which can be fried. I find it makes a comforting alternative to fried bread with an English breakfast. It is a particularly good substitute for those with a gluten allergy.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Serves: 1
150g polenta block
3 rashers back bacon
40g spinach
100g chestnut mushrooms
Microwave the bacon for 5 minutes, then drain the fat into a frying pan.
Slice the polenta, mushrooms, and bacon and fry in the pan along with the spinach.
Put the lid on and allow the fry at a low heat until the spinach has wilted.
Remove the lid, turn the polenta over, and continue to fry until both sides have turned golden.
228162 - 2023-07-17 10:37:18
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