Salmon And Kale Patties For Dogs
Throughout the years our little fur-kid has had various trips to the vet for any number of complaints, with a great deal being gastro and/or spinal related. Some gentle prodding in the abdominal area would evoke in Jasper flinching; the vet’s common feedback relating to the possibility of referred pain of some sort, potentially due to the degenerative disks in his back.
Jasper has always had a sensitive stomach and we decided early on that we would feed him low-fat and healthy home cooked meals. Albeit some of his treats are not so healthy or low fat. Even so, we could never really understand why he had so many gastro related issues.
Recently, we took an alternate approach to his care and wellbeing and sought the advise of a natural care vet in Sydney. This particular vet embraces and services an integrative approach to treating and administering medicine by combining the mainstream with natural medicine and alternate therapies.
It was interesting to discover that much of Jasper’s abdominal issues could be due to IBS – irritable bowl syndrome.
Based on this, my repertoire of meal choices and planning for him has since expanded.
These Salmon and Kale Patties are an excellent source of protein, complex carbohydrates and omega 3 fats. If only, I could keep my husband away from Jasper’s meals!
Our dogs menu includes Salmon and Kale Patties.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Makes: 4-6 Patties
500g Boneless Salmon Fillets
250g Brown Rice
150g Baby Kale
2 Eggs
1 Potato
1 Sweet Potato (small)
Key ingredients are Salmon, Brown Rice, Baby Kale, Eggs, Potato and Sweet Potato.
Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and add the brown rice. Cook until the rice is tender. Remove from heat, drain the cooking water and run under cold water to remove any starch. Set aside to cool.
Bring another saucepan of water to the boil. Finely dice the potato and sweet potato and add to the boiling water. Cook until vegetables are tender. Remove from heat, drain and run under cold water. Set aside with the rice to cool.
Finely chop the baby kale and add to a saucepan of boiling water, steam for 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat, drain and squeeze any excess liquid. Set aside with the other ingredients.
Place the eggs into a saucepan of cold water. Bring water to the boil and cook for approximately 10 minutes for the eggs to be hard boiled. Remove from heat, peel shells and dice eggs. Set aside to cool with the other ingredients.
Grill or BBQ 500g (4 salmon fillets) skin side down for 8-10 minutes, turn over and cook flesh side down for a further 5-8 minutes. Remove from heat, allow to cool then shred salmon into pieces.
Bring all ingredients together in a large bowl or place. Knead the ingredients, take a handful of the salmon mix and roll into a ball, then shape into patties.
Bring all the ingredients together to form the Patties.
Wrap the Salmon and Kale Patties in cling wrap or alfoil paper and refrigerate until required.
Just before serving, dry fry the Patties as required per meal, let cool and serve.
We taste test all of Jaspers food, and these are delicious.
non-fur people watching their weight and health, these Salmon and Kale Patties can easily be eaten as a meal. Simply add some spices to the patty mix and make a healthy mango, tomato and avocado salsa to complement the patties, then serve with a salad.
226185 - 2023-07-17 09:53:57