Spatzlea A Delicious Southern German Speciality
I make these if I have a special friend coming to stay -we just sit there and eat them in ecstasy!
Translated from German, Spatzlea means Little Swallows.
I bought [link a Spatzlea Maker] however you could use a metal drainer with large holes or noodle maker.
Spatzlea maker
This is not an exact recipe and the amount of water seems to vary and is a guide only.
Preparation Time: 60 minutes
Cooking Time: 45 minutes
Makes: 6 servings as a main meal
750 g plain flour
About 450 g Jarlsberg cheese
2 eggs
5 large onions, cut into thin rings
Tsp of salt (or 2 if possible)
ABOUT 2 cups water
Grate the cheese finely and set aside.
Grated cheese
In a very large pot, bring about 5 litres of salted water to the boil.
Fry the onions in some oil and this will take about 30 minutes on low heat, until they are lightly caramelized.
Onions almost done
Meanwhile, mix the eggs, flour and water.
Continue mixing with a wooden spoon until the lumps are out and it is a thick, sticky mixture. You may need to add a bit more water however it should be thick enough that it will not flow straight through the holes.
Consistency of mixture
With the water boiling and making sure your onions only have about 10 minutes to go, put the Spatzlea machine over the large pot with the boiling water.
Spatzlea maker over pot
Pour some of the sticky mixture into the machine as per the photo.
Move the filled guide at the top backwards and forwards, so that the mixture drops through in noodle shapes.
Spatzlea falling through guide
When they are ready, they will pop to the top of the boiling water - this will only take a few minutes.
Spatzlea are cooked when they float
Scoop them with a scoop and let the water drain.
Draining Spatzlea
Put them in a lightly greased baking dish.
Spatzlea in baking dish
Add some of the grated cheese.
Cover the spatzlea with cheese
Continue with this process till you have used up all the Spatzlea and ending with the cheese.
Then add the caramelized onions on top to cover the whole dish.
Bake for about 15 - 20 minutes or until cheese is melted.
Cooked spatzlea
Take out of the oven and lift some out to serve.
Serving spatzlea
ENJOY as we did!
225795 - 2023-07-17 09:37:51