Spatzlea A Delicious Southern German Speciality

Spatzlea A Delicious Southern German Speciality

Posted 2014-09-10 by finyfollow

I make these if I have a special friend coming to stay -we just sit there and eat them in ecstasy!

Translated from German, Spatzlea means Little Swallows.

I bought [link a Spatzlea Maker] however you could use a metal drainer with large holes or noodle maker.
Spatzlea maker

This is not an exact recipe and the amount of water seems to vary and is a guide only.

Preparation Time: 60 minutes
Cooking Time: 45 minutes
Makes: 6 servings as a main meal

750 g plain flour
About 450 g Jarlsberg cheese
2 eggs
5 large onions, cut into thin rings
Tsp of salt (or 2 if possible)
ABOUT 2 cups water

  • Grate the cheese finely and set aside.
  • Grated cheese

  • In a very large pot, bring about 5 litres of salted water to the boil.

  • Fry the onions in some oil and this will take about 30 minutes on low heat, until they are lightly caramelized.
  • Onions almost done

  • Meanwhile, mix the eggs, flour and water.
  • Mixing

  • Continue mixing with a wooden spoon until the lumps are out and it is a thick, sticky mixture. You may need to add a bit more water however it should be thick enough that it will not flow straight through the holes.
  • Consistency of mixture

  • With the water boiling and making sure your onions only have about 10 minutes to go, put the Spatzlea machine over the large pot with the boiling water.
  • Spatzlea maker over pot

  • Pour some of the sticky mixture into the machine as per the photo.

  • Move the filled guide at the top backwards and forwards, so that the mixture drops through in noodle shapes.
  • Spatzlea falling through guide

  • When they are ready, they will pop to the top of the boiling water - this will only take a few minutes.
  • Spatzlea are cooked when they float

  • Scoop them with a scoop and let the water drain.
  • Draining Spatzlea

  • Put them in a lightly greased baking dish.
  • Spatzlea in baking dish

  • Add some of the grated cheese.
  • Cover the spatzlea with cheese

  • Continue with this process till you have used up all the Spatzlea and ending with the cheese.

  • Then add the caramelized onions on top to cover the whole dish.

  • Bake for about 15 - 20 minutes or until cheese is melted.
  • Cooked spatzlea

  • Take out of the oven and lift some out to serve.
  • Serving spatzlea

    ENJOY as we did!


    225795 - 2023-07-17 09:37:51


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