Sweet Toffee
While I was trying to make the salted caramel I always make, I stuffed it twice. The second lot turned into toffee and that's how I came up with this recipe.
Preparation Time: 20-30 minutes
Makes: 8 pieces
1 cup of castor sugar
8-10 1 cm cubes of butter
Place sugar in a sauce pan over medium high heat, and leave it until it starts to melt
Sugar melting in the pot
Once it's started to melt, whisk and continue until it reaches a light brown colour
1cm butter cubes
Add in butter one cube at a time. Whisk after each addition
When it's ready you will know (see picture below)
Toffee when its ready to pour onto the baking paper
Pour onto a lined tray with baking paper and sprinkle on some slivered almonds and leave to set approximately ten minutes
This is how it looks, mix should make double but half my mix was wasted as I poured it into a jar before realising it was going to set like toffee, so I only got about half.
225310 - 2023-07-17 08:49:59
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