Tuna and Pear Pizza

Tuna and Pear Pizza

Posted 2017-10-28 by finyfollow

This was a very "different" pizza topping and it was delicious and one that I will make again.

It is a low fat one so good if you are watching those kilos! If you want to save time, you can buy the base instead of making it yourself, though I would rather spend time and know what is in my food.

Preparation Time: 30 minutes plus proofing
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 2 - 3

For the dough
1 cup flour
½ tsp salt
1 x 7 g pkt yeast
¼ cup tepid water
½ tbsp oil
For the topping
Olive oil
225 g tuna
1 purple onion, chopped
2 ripe pears, peeled and chopped
225 g can peeled tomatoes
¼ tsp oregano
Anchovy fillets (optional)
Black olives

For the dough
  • Sift the flour and salt into a bowl that has been warmed.

  • Mix the yeast with the water to a smooth consistency, add the oil and pour into the flour.

  • Mix till smooth.

  • When it is pliable and leaves the sides of the bowl clean, turn it onto a floured surface and knead till the dough is smooth and elastic, perhaps about 6 minutes.

  • Shape into a ball, put it into a lightly oiled bowl, cover and leave in a warm place until doubled in size.

  • For the topping
  • Knead the risen dough lightly, and put it on an oiled baking sheet or pizza tray.

  • Flatten into a round and brush lightly with oil.

  • Preheat the oven to 210°/190° fan forced.

  • Drain the oil from the tuna into a pan (if using tuna in springwater, add some olive oil instead), put the onions in and cook for a few minutes.

  • Add the pears and cook for two more minutes.

  • Add the flaked tuna and tomatoes and cook slowly for about 25 minutes or until most of the liquid has evaporated.

  • Add the oregano and salt and pepper to taste.

  • When the filling has cooled slightly, spread it over the dough.

  • Top with the anchovy fillets, if using (I did not this time as didn't want a high salt content meal) and olives, as many as you want.

  • Leave in a warm place for about 15 minutes.

  • Bake for about 15 minutes, slice and serve.

  • I served it with cut fresh pineapple and some of my [link http://recipeyum.com.au/low-calorie-low-fat-kale-chips/ HOME MADE KALE CHIPS].

  • Good to re-heat in oven if any left overs.

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